Advance Passenger Information and Passenger Name Record - invitation for industry Advance Passenger Information and Passenger Name Record - invitation for industry 2012-05-28 Invitation to industry to present commercial solutions in the area of Advance Passenger Information and Passenger Name Record at the 3rd Meeting of the Working Group on Advance Information Challenges in Brussels, 28 June 2012. Read more
Document Challenge: Industry invitation Document Challenge: Industry invitation 2012-04-13 On June 28, 2012, the Research and Development Unit of Frontex will hold a workshop on 1st line travel document fraud detection, in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Read more
7th ABC Workshop - Invitation 7th ABC Workshop - Invitation 2012-04-04 Invitation to system integrators to participate in the 7th Workshop on Automated Border Controls (ABC) at Lisbon Airport, Portugal, on 15-16 May 2012. Read more
RPAS Border Surveillance Workshop 2012 - Invitation RPAS Border Surveillance Workshop 2012 - Invitation 2012-03-02 Surveillance of maritime and land frontiers has to ensure effective detection of irregular immigration activities and provide the capabilities to react to such events. The technical response involves a wide spectrum of facilities: e. g. fixed surveillance Read more
European Day for Border Guards showcases - invitation European Day for Border Guards showcases - invitation 2012-01-17 Invitation to industry/researchers to showcase innovative technology in the area of border control (checks and surveillance) and to attend the European Day for Border Guards in Warsaw on 23-24 May 2012. Read more
Call for expression of interest from industry to attend/participate at the 6th ABC Workshop Call for expression of interest from industry to attend/participate at the 6th ABC Workshop 2011-10-18 Call for expression of interest from industry to attend/participate at the 6th ABC Workshop accompanied by a demonstration of the No-Q system at Schiphol airport, Amsterdam, 29-30 November. Read more