Document Challenge II: announcement to industry Document Challenge II: announcement to industry 2013-05-29 The Research and Development Unit of Frontex (RDU) is organising the second edition of the Document Challenge (Document Challenge II) in the second half of September 2013, with the goal of identifying document fraud detection challenges and solutions for Border Guard officers working in the first line of Border Checks. This event includes technical tests of Automated Document Inspections Systems (fixed and mobile), a simulation exercise and a workshop. Read more
8th ABC Workshop - Invitation 8th ABC Workshop - Invitation 2013-03-22 On 24-25 April 2013 Frontex will hold the 8th ABC Workshop, organised in cooperation with the Bulgarian authorities. The Workshop will look into the latest developments on the ABC systems currently in use, under testing, or planned by Member States and Third Countries. Read more
Invitation to industry/researchers to showcase during the European Day for Border Guards Invitation to industry/researchers to showcase during the European Day for Border Guards 2013-01-28 On 23 May 2013 Frontex will hold the annual European Day for Border Guards (ED4BG) in Warsaw. Inaugurated in 2010 to mark the fifth anniversary of Frontex, ED4BG presents Europe’s border-guard community with an opportunity to share experiences and best practice, as well as provides a forum for topical discussion, exchange of views between key border-management players, and a platform to bring together the worlds of public service and private industry ( Read more
Global ABC Conference and Exhibition - Invitation for Industry Global ABC Conference and Exhibition - Invitation for Industry 2012-07-13 Invitation for industry to showcase innovative technologies in the area of Automated Border Control (ABC) and to present during the 1st Global Conference on future developments of ABC in Warsaw, on 25-26 October 2012. Read more
Land Border Surveillance Demonstration and Workshop 2012 - Invitation Land Border Surveillance Demonstration and Workshop 2012 - Invitation 2012-06-27 One of the key objectives of Frontex is to keep Member States informed about new technological developments in the field of border control. In this regard, Frontex seeks to put more emphasis on organising, with the help of Member States, practical demonstrations of new technologies. Read more
Advance Passenger Information and Passenger Name Record - invitation for industry Advance Passenger Information and Passenger Name Record - invitation for industry 2012-05-28 Invitation to industry to present commercial solutions in the area of Advance Passenger Information and Passenger Name Record at the 3rd Meeting of the Working Group on Advance Information Challenges in Brussels, 28 June 2012. Read more