
Invitation for Industry and Academia


Frontex will organize in November/December 2014 a workshop with European Industry and Academia which lead research and development projects aiming at developing new products, technologies/solutions for border security and using other financial sources than FP7 financing (e.g. Industry’s/Academia’s own funds).

Benefiting of the presence of the Frontex Advisory Group on Border Security Research (Advisory Group), the following activities are planned to be addressed during the workshop:

  • present the projects to the Advisory Group and Frontex experts;
  • obtain Advisory Group’s feedback and ideas on how to steer/improve the projects’ content in order to better serve the potential end user’s interest;  
    underline the possible overlapping with previous or ongoing projects, including EU funded projects;
  • establish contacts between Industry/Academia and potentially interested users;
  • open the discussions on possible demonstrations that could take place in interested Member States;
  • draft a plan with relevant activities to follow for the next years (projects’ meetings, workshops, demonstrations etc.);
  • establish interactions and synergies between projects. 

Accordingly, Frontex invites European Industry and Academia which are implementing projects intended for developing new products/technologies/solutions for border security to send their applications by filling in the form available at:, by 15 September 2014.

The applications received will be evaluated based on relevance and novelty. Depending on the outcome of the evaluation which will be announced by 30 September 2014, and the interest of potential contributors, the event is envisaged to take place in November/December 2014 at a date that will be announced in due time. During the event, the selected entities will be allocated 30-40 minutes for presentation (10-15 minutes questions and answers included).