Training at the European Border and Coast Guard Academy

The European Border and Coast Guard (EBCG) Academy provides coherent, integrated and centralised education and training system that is subject to the Capability Development Plan. The EBCG Academy contributes to the Standing Corps preparation for operations and fosters the development of a common European border and coast guard culture as a key element of the European integrated border management. It also develops training cooperation networks and implements training grants.

Preparing the Standing Corps

Target group

✅ Standing Corps category 1.


✅ To prepare individuals who join Standing Corps category 1 for deployment in all the deployment areas across the EU.


This training programme for European Border and Coast Guard Standing Corps category 1 applies the new Frontex Chain of Command (FC2) reflecting Frontex field contingent hierarchical system with top-down approach to management. It also teaches profile-specific, leadership and managerial skills by offering modules tailored to front-line officers and group and section leaders.

There are two major changes to Operational Training Programme_2024 compared to the previous Basic Training Programme and Extended Basic Training Programme for EBCG SC category 1:

• The Programme structure now covers training of several profiles. This increases cost efficiency, and, most importantly, enables new graduates to become instantly involved in a wider variety of tasks.

• Management training adapted to Frontex FC2 is provided to all levels, from the group leader to the Frontex Field Contingent Commander (FFCC). 

The changes are reflected in the name of the Programme itself: Operational Training Programme for European Border and Coast Guard Standing Corps category 1 (OTP for EBCG SC cat.1) – for Managers (OTP_M); Supervisors (OTP_S) and Officers (OTP_O).

The Operational Training Programme is composed of eight Modules divided by topic in the following way:

• Module 1: Generic Studies;

• Module 2: Legal Grounds for Border and Coast Guard Activities;

• Module 3: Tactical and Force Measures, Firearms Training;

• Module 4: Border Checks;

• Module 5: Land and Maritime Border Surveillance;

• Module 6: Prevention, Detection and Combating Cross-Border Crime;

• Module 7: Return;

• Module 8: Profile Training for:

- Debriefing Officer

- Information Officer

- Advance Basic Document Officer

- Cross-Border Crime Detection Officer (CBCDO) – land operations, including motor vehicle crime detection (MVCD).

Learning strategy

The aim of the Operational Training Programme is to expand the professional competences of Standing Corps Category 1 to include the profiles of debriefer (DBR), information officer (IO), cross-border crime detection officer (CBCDO) – which includes motor vehicle crime detection – and advanced basic document officer (ABDO).

The Programme also offers training in leadership and managerial competences available to Standing Corps members assigned group and section leaders’ tasks (OTP_S and OTP_M).

Therefore, three tailored versions of the OTP (OTP_Officers (FGIV), OTP_Supervisors (ASTIV), and OTP_Managers (ADs)) are developed and can be implemented to address the needs of dedicated Standing Corps Category 1 groups undergoing the training.

Learning format

✅ online/in-person/hybrid

Target group

✅ Any Standing Corps officers to be deployed to the Multipurpose Operational Activities or other operational initiatives coordinated by the Agency.


✅ To prepare all categories of Standing Corps for deployment in different operational areas.


The Pre-Deployment Online Course for Standing Corps provides the participants with essential knowledge required by all Standing Corps officers to function effectively in any Frontex-coordinated operation. The idea behind it was to provide a common understanding of the core principles, legal framework, guidelines and policies of the Agency and to ensure that all the deployed Standing Corps are properly prepared for Frontex coordinated operations.

Participants who enrol in the Pre-Deployment Online Course bring in various levels of prior experience and a wide range of skills. Consequently, their learning needs are different. As the personal and professional requirements for successful deployment to the operations are continuously increasing, the educational approach adopted in the pre-deployment course intends to accommodate these different learning needs by developing a dedicated course for each Standing Corpse category: 1, 2 and 3.

Learning strategy:

The Pre-Deployment Online Course for Standing Corps takes the form of self-paced learning where learners follow their own schedule and work at their individual pace. This allows them to distribute the workload over several days and reconcile it with their work duties and individual commitments. 

The online course comprises 10 sessions with various learning resources. The participants must read the materials and watch the videos provided for each topic. Course materials may be studied in any order, any number of times and are available to the course attendants indefinitely.

The knowledge acquired in the course may be checked by taking the module test. The number, form and content of questions are adjusted to each session and the test serves as a formative assessment tool. 

Learning sessions are not time restricted. Only in the end-of-course test the participants are given a limited time of 30 minutes per attempt. However, it is necessary to review the compulsory material to get to that stage.

Learning format

✅ online/self-paced learning

Target group

✅ Standing Corps category 1 and 2 assigned the operational profile of Information Officer established under the Management Board Decision adopting the profiles to be made available to the European Border and Coast Guard Standing Corps.

✅ Officials of a competent national authority of a MS/SAC or Frontex statutory staff members who support the information and data management processes (collection, assessment, analysis, and distribution) between the Agency and national authorities (including third countries).


✅ To develop knowledge and skills necessary to assist in collecting information relevant for situation monitoring, risk analysis and the performance of Eurosur services.

✅ To build practical skills in data reporting, processing, visualization, collation and analytical materials sharing.

✅ To practise the centralised coordination and management skills of the Agency, including infrastructure and manpower with access to various Eurosur Fusion Services, including Multipurpose Aerial Surveillance.

✅ To work with other integrated and tailor-made information products, other sources of data and information, and services performed in near-real and/or real time on tactical, operational, and strategic level.

Learning strategy

The learning strategy is focused on developing knowledge and skills and promoting a learner centred approach. The course incorporates two modes: in person and online. The face to face learning by the entire group of learners and trainers covers a range of activities, such as lectures, seminars and practical exercises. It is accompanied by online access to the training materials on the course page in Moodle to consolidate the knowledge gained. Formative feedback is continuously provided by trainers during the sessions to facilitate the achievement of learning outcomes. 

The learning outcomes of the training sessions are assessed through an online theoretical assessment (multiple choice test) and one practical task on event reporting, both undertaken at the end of the course. 

Learning format

✅ in-person/online via Moodle

Target group

✅ Standing Corps category 1 and 2 assigned the operational profile of Debriefing Officer established under the Management Board Decision adopting the profiles to be made available to the European Border and Coast Guard Standing Corps.


✅ To enhance knowledge and skills of Standing Corps officers deployed to Frontex joint operations.

✅ To conduct a debriefing and screening interview according to the Frontex Debriefing Interview Model.

✅ To develop skills in operating the Interview Module of JORA 2 in terms of uploading a debriefing interview.

Learning strategy

The learning strategy is focused on developing knowledge and skills and promoting a learner centred approach. The course incorporates two modes: in person and online. The face to face learning by the entire group of learners and course tutors covers a range of activities, such as lectures, seminars and practical exercises. It is accompanied by online access to the training materials on the course page in Moodle to consolidate the knowledge gained.

The learning outcomes of the training sessions are assessed through an online theoretical assessment (multiple choice test), one practical task on interviewing, and one practical test on reporting in PeDRA Interview module of JORA 2 TE, all undertaken at the end of the course. 

Learning format

✅ in-person/online via Moodle

Target group

✅ Standing Corps officers subject to deployment to Frontex joint operations as cross border crime detection officers.


✅ To enhance the skills of officers deployed to Frontex joint operations as cross border crime detection officers.

Learning strategy

Learners will be faced with cross-border crime detection tasks typical of first and second line of border control.

The face to face learning by the entire group of learners and course tutors covers a range of activities, such as lectures, seminars and practical exercises. It is followed by an independent learning phase in which the training materials are available online on the course page in Moodle to consolidate the knowledge gained.

Learning format

✅ in-person/online via Moodle 

Target group

✅ Category 1 and 2 dog handlers specializing in product scent detection.


✅ To standardise training and, ultimately, operational procedures for canine teams deployed to joint operations on European Union’s external borders.

Learning strategy

The course is delivered as a blend of online self-paced activities combined with face-to-face and workplace-based tasks.

Learning format

✅ in-person/online via Moodle

Target group

✅ EBCG Standing Corps Officers Cat 1 and Cat 2 selected for the FRESO profile.


✅ To understand the European Union legal framework.

✅ To be able to perform the tasks of a FRESO in return operations while observing the Fundamental Rights Legal Framework and the best operational practices.

Learning strategy

This specialised course for FRESO is delivered as blended learning, with online preparation followed by in-person training session. The in-person stage incorporates practical exercises designed to consolidate the theory and to enhance the knowledge and skills. 

Successful participants will be eligible for deployment under FRESO profile in the operational areas.

Learning format

✅ in-person/online via Moodle

Target group

✅ Any official/officer from the Member State/Agency statutory staff member who needs to gain knowledge and experience in maritime border control or other coast guard functions.


✅ To prepare the participants to meet all the demands related to the scope of competence, role, tasks and responsibilities of the European Coast Guard Functions Officer (ECGFO).

✅ To prepare future ECGFOs for facing the challenges they may come across during their deployment to Frontex maritime operational activities.

Learning strategy

The course is delivered as a blend of online self-paced activities combined with face-to-face activities.

Learning format

✅ in-person/online via Moodle

Target group

✅ Maritime crew (maritime assets) and air crew (aerial assets).


✅ To prepare crew members for deployment to Frontex operations by providing them with knowledge of operational procedures and objectives, best practices and relevant legislation.

✅ To increase operational efficiency in a multi-national environment.

✅ To promote harmonized practices for operating technical equipment and assets.

Learning strategy

The course consists of two stages:

1. Independent Learning Phase (ILP)

The participants learn online by self-studying the materials. The Independent Learning Phase is completed in Frontex Virtual Aula/Moodle learning management system and it ends with one online assessment.

Prior to commencing the ILP, learners are required to complete the co-requisite Pre-Deployment Online Course, including 1 online assessment.

2. Contact Learning Phase (CLP)

This phase includes presentations, workshops and group exercises. 

As part of the Contact Learning Phase, the participants are also trained on simulators and are required to complete one assessment.

This part of the course takes place in maritime simulator centre(s) and air simulator centre(s) in Member State or Schengen Associated Country, preferably located in or at a short distance from Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC), Joint Rescue Coordination Centre (JRCC), Rescue Coordination Centre (RCC), Frontex International Coordination Centre (ICC), Frontex Local Coordination Centre (LCC).

The simulator centre where the simulator training is held must be equipped with at least three simulator bridges/cockpits + one operational room.

Learning format

✅ in-person/online via Moodle 

Target group

✅ AST4 and AD7, AD8 and AD9 of EBCG Standing Corps category 1 officers whose Operational Training Programme is still in progress or who have successfully completed the Basic Training Programme.

✅ Standing Corps category 2 and 3 officers, if needed.


✅ To prepare EBCG Standing Corps Category 1, 2 3 officers to perform tasks related to leadership and coordination as part of Forex operations.

Learning strategy

The course is delivered as a blend of online scheduled and self-paced activities combined with face-to-face activities.

Learning format

✅ in-person/online via Moodle

Target group

✅ ECU Staff members selected for the positions of ETIAS Carriers Support & Traveler Operators.

✅ ETIAS Application Handlers backup team members that have successfully completed the Training Programme for ETIAS Central Unit Staff.


✅ To equip ETIAS Assistant Centre Unit (ACU) operators with knowledge and skills necessary to efficiently perform their tasks in line with the EES and ETIAS relevant legal framework.

✅ To provide practical knowledge and technical skills needed to effectively support carriers after the Entry/Exit System (EES) is put into operation and Member States (MS), carriers and travellers after the European Travel Information and Authorization System (ETIAS) is put into operation.

Learning strategy

This course aims to prepare ETIAS ACU Staff and ACU backup team for EES and, at a later stage, ETIAS launch. The participants will get knowledge and skills required for effective performance of their daily tasks while ensuring business continuity and smooth operation in line with quality standards, fundamental rights and data protection principles. The hands-on approach is adopted, providing in depth knowledge of legal framework, standards, tools, systems and procedures used in day-to-day operations. 

To ensure engagement, collaboration, and practical learning, the course incorporates diverse methods. They include face-to-face presentations, icebreakers to encourage interaction, working group activities, and wrap-up quizzes to assess understanding.

Learning format

✅ in-person/online via Moodle

Target group

✅ Standing Corps officers deployed to land borders and assigned MSS operator and border surveillance duties.


✅ To provide border guards with knowledge and skills necessary to operate MSS safely and effectively during border surveillance operations.

Learning strategy

The course uses a blended learning approach, with the first session delivered online through Moodle. The remaining four sessions are delivered face to face. The online session is self-paced and aims to prepare learners for the face-to-face phase, providing a foundation for the other four sessions. 

During the in-person sessions, participants acquire knowledge and skills through practical activities related to MSS operation, data recording, and emergency procedures. Interactive elements, such as videos, exercises, and questions, will be incorporated into the materials to engage learners and assess their understanding. Feedback will be provided by instructors and peers as needed.

The course builds upon the participants’ prior experience as border guards, ensuring that the course content is relevant to their duties. They will have an opportunity to hone their skills in MSS border surveillance operations by solving cases and participating in exercises.

Learning format

✅ in-person/online via Moodle

Target group

✅ Standing Corps officers deployed to land borders and assigned MSS ILS and border surveillance duties.


✅ To provide border guards with the training necessary to support MSS operations at the place of deployment.

Learning strategy

The course uses a blended learning approach, with the first session delivered online through Moodle. The remaining four sessions are delivered face to face. The online session is self-paced and aims to prepare learners for the face-to-face phase, providing a foundation for the other four sessions. 

During the in-person sessions, participants acquire knowledge and skills through practical activities related to MSS operation, data recording, and emergency procedures. Interactive elements, such as videos, exercises, and questions, will be incorporated into the materials to engage learners and assess their understanding. Feedback will be provided by instructors and peers as needed.

The course builds upon the participants’ prior experience as border guards, ensuring that the course content is relevant to their duties. They will have an opportunity to hone their skills in MSS border surveillance operations by solving cases and participating in exercises.

Learning format

✅ in-person/online via Moodle

Strengthening European Border and Coast Guard (EBCG) capacities

Target group

✅ Senior officials from MS/SAC and EU bodies who are responsible for preparing the national European Integrated Border Management (EIBM) strategy and action plan.

✅ Experts at the strategic level who need to extend their knowledge of EIBM.

✅ National trainers who help disseminate knowledge of EIBM.


✅ To provide knowledge and ensure thorough understanding of the European Integrated Border Management (EIBM).

✅ To prepare the participants for making proposals, at the national level, of how to integrate and share with other responsible staff the acquired knowledge and skills essential for drafting a national IBM strategy and action plan in line with Regulation (EU) 2019/1896 and relevant Union standards. 

✅ To teach the participants to critically evaluate any given national EIBM strategy and action plan and propose changes in line with the EIBM concept, the EBCG Regulation and the EBCG Fundamental Rights Strategy.

Learning strategy

The course is a mix of theory and practice to ensure that the participants have acquired both the theoretical knowledge and the practical skills that allow them to draft and review national EIBM strategy and action plan. Since the course topic is complex and the participants are required to have certain skills prior to enrolment, the learning strategy combines acquisition of new information with further development of drafting skills needed to prepare and review integrated border management strategy and action plan.

The course is divided into three interconnected learning phases. During the Independent Learning Phase (ILP), the participants will gain access to a regulatory and reference package with a comprehensive description of the EIBM concept and its twelve strategic and three horizontal components along with requirements for national EIBM strategies and action plans. This is followed by the Contact Learning Phase (CLP) divided into theory and practice. The participants learn about the EIBM concept itself and how to design a national EIBM strategy in line with the Regulation (EU) No. 2019/1896 and other Union standards but also practise skills that need to be mastered to design, monitor and review implementation of the EIBM concept on the national level. Last but not least, the Experiential Learning Phase (ELP) gives the participants a chance to apply what they have learned to their workplace environment by critically evaluating either their own or a given example of a national EIBM strategy and put forward their suggestions for improvements to align national documents with the EIBM concept in writing. The ELP takes place in the three weeks following CLP completion and the participants receive formative feedback throughout this period.

Learning format

✅ online/in-person/hybrid/self-paced

Target group

✅ National experts in border management and return who have knowledge and experience and are willing to engage in future Schengen evaluation visits. 

✅ Member State experts in Schengen evaluations who received appropriate training in the previous year. 


✅ To support implementation of Schengen evaluation and monitoring mechanism (SEMM) established under Council Regulation (EU) 2022/922.

✅ To promote conducting objective and comprehensive evaluation visits by preparing experts in border management and return for Schengen evaluation visits.

Learning strategy

The course is delivered as a blend of online scheduled and self paced activities combined with face to face and workplace based tasks.

Learning format

✅ in-person/online via Moodle

Target group

✅ Any officers and officials who operate in the related area and need to identify weak points of ABC systems at the operational and system levels.


✅ To prepare officers who perform their tasks related to border checks for identifying vulnerabilities of different systems used at external EU borders.

Learning strategy

The course is delivered as a blend of online self-paced activities combined with face-to-face activities.

Learning format

✅ in-person/online via Moodle

Target group

✅ Experts from Member States/Schengen Associated Countries who act as multipliers (in other words, persons who, after being trained, teach in their home countries the area they were trained in) for border guard training in EES and Interoperability.


✅ To provide MS/SAC experts with profound knowledge of the system to help them assist national authorities in EES implementation and in the development of national training plans related to EES and Interoperability.

Learning strategy

The course is delivered as a blend of online self-paced activities combined with face-to-face activities.

Learning format

✅ in-person/online via Moodle

Target group

✅ ETIAS National Units’ staff members.

✅ Individuals who have been or will be employed at ENU as ETIAS National Units’ staff members to work with ETIAS.

✅ Individuals who will act as multipliers in the future.


✅ To provide experts from Member States/Schengen Associated Countries with advanced knowledge of the ETIAS system to help them assist national authorities in implementing ETIAS and in developing national training plans in the field. 

Learning strategy

The course is taught through blended learning. It combines interactive online distance learning with face-to-face interactions in a contact setting. Throughout the course, online learning is integrated through linked sessions and the use of online reference materials that are part of the Independent Learning Phase and will serve as references for the Contact Learning Phase, the Final Assessment and future roles of the participants at the national level.

Learning format

✅ in-person/online

Target group

✅ EU border and coast guard officers operating in the back office responsible for checking thoroughly security documents that have aroused the suspicion of frontline officers.


✅ To prepare border and coast guards for detecting document fraud based on primary and advanced security features and printing techniques, establish conclusively the status of the inspected document and refer suspicious documents to a higher-level expert, if needed.

✅ To present the latest technologies for documents security and prospective developments in authentication of documents and identity.

Learning strategy

The course is divided into ten sessions:

Introduction to the recommendations and EU legislation concerning document security and standards
4 hours of learning
8 hours of learning
Light theory and colour perception
4 hours of learning
Inks and conventional printing techniques
10 hours of learning
After press
4 hours of learning
Field visit
10 hours of learning
Documents examination and equipment
14 hours of learning
Practical exercise in forgery detection
8 hours of learning
Reporting and alerting
8 hours of learning

Learning format

✅ in-person/online

Target group

✅ Standing Corps category 1 and MS/SAC officers with relevant operational experience in border or coast guarding (first line, second line, investigations).


✅ To build cross-border cooperation and interoperability in the border and coast guard community.

✅ To raise awareness and promoting best practices related to prevention, detection and combating of human trafficking, with special emphasis on the victim-centred approach operationalisation.

Learning strategy

The course learning strategy reflects the principles of modern European competence based, learner centred training. The activities are practical and directly linked to Frontex trainings, activities and operations (e.g. references to regulations, legislation and codes are made, realistic case studies are used, etc).

The course is taught through blended learning. It combines interactive online distance learning with face-to-face interactions in a contact setting.

Learning format

✅ in-person/online

Target group

✅ Frontex Standing Corps Category 1 and 2 with relevant profile/specialisations as defined in the MB decision on profiles.

✅ MS / SAC officers actively involved in activities related to border and coast guard functions with relevant profile/specialisations.


✅ To raise awareness of how to detect the threat of travelling terrorists (TT) and other subjects of interest (SoI).

Learning strategy

The learning strategy adopts a student-centred learning approach. The course is designed to provide the participants with theoretical knowledge and practical skills to perform border activities in the first or second line of border checks, surveillance field team or in a hot spot at EU borders. The course focuses mainly on practice and the key obligation is to respect and comply with fundamental rights.

Learning format

✅ in-person/online

Target group

✅ Staff members of the national border and/or coast guard authorities who are to train border/coast guard at national level in fundamental rights or may be involved in development of national training programmes/plans.


✅ To train staff to become Frontex Fundamental Rights Multipliers who implement fundamental rights in boarder and coast guard operational practice and contribute to promoting the protection of fundamental rights in the border guard community.

Learning strategy

The course learning strategy reflects the principles of modern European competence-based, learner centred training. The activities are practical and directly linked to Frontex trainings, activities and operations (e.g. references to regulations, legislation and codes are made, realistic case studies are used, etc).

The course is taught through blended learning. It combines interactive online distance learning with face-to-face interactions in a contact setting.

Learning format

✅ in-person/online

Target group

✅ Officers appointed as risk analysts.

✅ EU MS / SAC Border Management Authorities.


✅ To prepare analysts and experts in CIRAM who will later act as part of EU MS / SAC Border Management Authorities.

Learning strategy

The course is divided into two stages: stage 1 (online self-paced learning) and stage 2 (online contact learning).

Learning format

✅ online

Target group

✅ Members of a national border or coast guard organisation or other law-enforcement organisation with responsibilities on the state/EU external borders.


✅ To prepare border and coast guards to combat look-alike fraud.

✅ To multiply and share the knowledge and skills acquired at national level.

create opportunities for border and coast guards to combat look alike fraud, and to multiply and share the information for cascading the relevant operational common standards and best practices in the field of detection of impostors.

Learning strategy

The course is delivered as a blend of online self-paced activities combined with face-to-face tasks.

Learning format

✅ in-person/online through Moodle

Target group

✅ Document specialists working in this field and having at least 5 years of experience in the operational and/or tactical area of document and/or identity investigation.


✅ To provide an overview of European standards and emerging trends in identity chain (i.e. the methodology used to establish identity) and its related processes to make strategical decisions related to the identity chain.

Learning strategy

There is one contact learning phase, lasting 10 working days, and one workplace-based learning phase. Learning activities included in this course are a combination of theoretical and practical sessions which will equip the participants with skills needed at the specialist level. 

Learning format

✅ in-person/online through Moodle

Target group

✅ Escort Leaders from EU Member States/Schengen Associated Countries. 

✅ EBCG Standing Corps Officers Category 1 and Category 2 with and performing under FRESO profile, with leadership duties.


✅ To increase their ability to perform various tasks in different phases of return operations.

✅ To cope with any predictable or unforeseen situations/incidents in return-related context in full compliance with the EU legal framework, the fundamental rights framework and the best operational practices. 

✅ To provide escort leaders with the skills needed to lead and supervise escort officers in return operations at the national or international level.

Learning strategy

The specialised course for escort leaders is offered in the form of blended learning, with online preparation followed by the in-person stage. While online learning addresses theoretical knowledge, the contact phase is designed to consolidate the theory, to enhance practical skills and to provide a higher level of responsibility and autonomy.

Learning format

✅ in-person/online

Target group

✅ Escort Officers from EU Member States/Schengen Associated Countries.


✅ To develop understanding of the European Union legal framework.

✅ To prepare the participants to perform the tasks of an Escort Officer in return operations in full compliance with EU legal framework, the fundamental rights framework and the best operational practices. 

Learning strategy

The specialised course for national escort officers is offered in the form of blended learning, with online learning followed by the in-person phase. While online learning addresses theoretical knowledge, the contact phase is designed to consolidate the theory and to enhance practical skills.

Learning format

✅ in-person/online

Target group

✅ Escort Officers from 3rd countries with bilateral agreements signed with the EU.


✅ To develop understanding of the European Union legal framework and teach skills required to perform the tasks of an Escort Officer in return operations in full compliance with the fundamental rights framework and the best operational practices. 

Learning strategy

The specialised course for collecting return operations is offered as the in-person training, with a single contact phase that combines theory and practice to enhance the participants’ knowledge and skills.

Learning format

✅ in-person/online

Target group

✅ Border Guard and Customs officers working in selected Border Crossing Point.

✅ Border Guard and Customs officers working in correspondent Border Crossing Points from the neighbouring countries.

✅ Standing Corps Category 1 officers with CBCDO (mandatory course) as the main profile.

✅ Standing Corps Category 1 officers with CBCDO as the secondary profile.

✅ Standing Corps Category 2 officers who meet the criteria for CBCDO profile and who are to be deployed to Frontex operations.

✅ Standing Corps officers with ALDO, BGO, MVCDO or Debriefer who meet the criteria for CBCDO profile.


✅ To develop the necessary skills and knowledge related to the legal framework, modi operandi, and best practices as regards countering trafficking on EU external borders.

✅ To equip the first- and second-line officers with skills allowing them to effectively respond to the challenges posed by organized crime.

✅ To give the first- and second-line officers an opportunity to test their skills in detecting smuggled goods.

Learning strategy

The Roadshow format requires one-day training delivered 3 to 9 days in a row (the number of days may be increased) approx. 6 hours per day. The training is preceded by one-day preparatory meeting of trainers.

The participants are provided with several short presentations, each approx. 20 minutes long, in PowerPoint® and other electronic formats, interactive where appropriate. The training will be delivered/supported by multi-lingual Board Guard and Custom specialists selected from among the trainers from both Frontex and the host country.

Practical exercises will be an opportunity for the attendees to search and investigate possible threats related CBCDO due to cooperation between BG and Customs. It is essential that the participants bring along tools (specific for Border Guard and Customs) to be used in the exercises. The results of the exercises will be discussed and explained.

The session will end with the trainers explaining to the entire group the methods used and the possible ways of detecting the hidden smuggled goods.

Learning format

✅ in-person/online

Target group

✅ The first- and second-line officers directly involved in document examination or document fraud detection at Border Check Points.

✅ Standing Corps officers with ALDO as the first additional profile and with BGO, MVCDO, CBCDO profiles.


✅ To raise awareness among first-line officers or/and other state authorities with border-related responsibilities of the security features and abuse of secured identity documents.

✅ To emphasize the first-line officers’ or/and other state authorities’ vital role in detecting fraudulently used documents.

✅ To raise the officers’ awareness of the training tools available to them and the latest trends in document abuse.

✅ To raise the officers’ awareness of the work done at the national and international level 

✅ To improve interaction between Frontex, other EU institutions, ICAO, IATA, IFC and national authorities.

Learning strategy

The Roadshow requires one-day training delivered 3 days in a row, approx. 6 hours per day. 

The participants are provided with several short presentations, each approx. 20 minutes long, in PowerPoint® and other electronic formats, interactive where appropriate. The training will be delivered/supported by multi-lingual document specialists selected from among the trainers from both Frontex and the host country.

Practical exercises will be an opportunity for the attendees to test their document examination skills (Document Olympics). It is essential that the participants bring along several documents, including the equipment for checking these (UV lights and magnifiers) to be used in the exercises. After the documents are handed out, the attendees will get some time to examine them. The results of the examination will be discussed and explained.

The session will end with the trainers explaining to the entire group the methods used and the possible ways of detecting falsification signs.

Learning format

✅ in-person/online

Target group

✅ Staff from Member States/Schengen Associated Countries deployed to Third Countries who handle visa applications.


✅ To raise awareness among the Consular EU staff with duties related to visa applications of the security features and abuse of secured identity documents.

✅ To emphasize the Consular EU staff’s vital role in detecting fraudulently used documents.

✅ To raise the Consular EU staff’s awareness of the training tools available to them and of the latest trends in document abuse.

✅ To raise the Consular EU staff’s awareness of the latest trends in document abuse.

✅ To clarify and explain different issues that EU Consular staff may come across in their activities and that are related to security features and abuse of secured identity documents.

✅ To raise the officers’ awareness of the work done at the national and international level.

✅ To emphasize national and international achievements in falsified documents detection.

✅ To improve interaction between Frontex, other EU institutions, ICAO, IATA, IFC and national authorities.

Learning strategy

The False Document Detection - Consular Staff course requires one-day training delivered 3 days in a row, approx. 6 hours per day. 

The participants are provided with several short presentations, each approx. 20 minutes long, in PowerPoint® and other electronic formats, interactive where appropriate. The training will be delivered/supported by multi-lingual document specialists selected from among the trainers from both Frontex and the host country.

Practical exercises will be an opportunity for Consular EU Staff involved in activities related to visa applications to test their document examination skills (Document Olympics). It is essential that the participants bring along several documents, including the equipment for checking these (UV lights and magnifiers) to be used in the exercises. After the documents are handed out, the attendees will get some time to examine them. The results of the examination will be discussed and explained.

The session will end with the trainers explaining to the entire group the methods used and the possible ways of detecting falsification signs.

Learning format

✅ in-person/online

Target group

✅ Officers who work, or intend to work, in functions/positions supporting the implementation of duties provided for in the EU legal regulation on the European Integrated Border Management as regards border management and customs authorities.


✅ To assist the participants in developing knowledge, skills and competences that will enable them to become competent Border Guard and Customs cooperation advisers.

Learning strategy

The Course is designed for learners from various EU Member States/Schengen Associated Countries, and it provides centralized joint training sessions. This fosters cooperation, knowledge sharing, and the development of common skills needed for effective customs and border guard cooperation. The course promotes active learning through group work, peer reviews, and collaborative hands-on tasks which teaches the participants cooperate effectively in real-life scenarios.

The course learning strategy aligns with the contemporary European, outcome-based and learner centred training principles. It emphasizes practical application and relevance to the participants’ work while ensuring that the activities are linked to EU legislation, border management operations, and case-based assessments. 

The course applies the blended approach which combines the independent learning phase, containing self-paced online lessons and quizzes, with the contact learning phase, containing a mix of theory and practice taught in-person. This structure ensures that the attendees are equipped with both the theoretical and practical skills necessary for effective cooperation in customs and border guard operations.

Learning format

✅ in-person/online

Target group

✅ Standing Corps and Member States officers deployed to land borders involved in detecting cross-border crime.


✅ To increase border guards’ ability to safely detect illegally transported firearms, ammunition, and explosives, as well as their components.

Learning strategy

The course utilizes a blended learning approach, with five sessions delivered online through Moodle and two sessions delivered face-to-face. The online sessions are self-paced and aim to integrate the participants’ previous knowledge and experience with the course material, which then serves as a basis for the in-person sessions. Interactive elements, such as videos, exercises, and questions, are incorporated into the materials to engage learners and allow them to assess and provide their own answers and solutions.

In the face-to-face sessions, the learners participate in practical activities, including firearm component recognition during vehicle searches, firearms document inspection, post-detection procedures, and in decision-making scenarios. Both peers and instructors provide their feedback based on the participants’ responses. 

The course builds upon the participants’ prior experience. The entire content of the learning material is relevant to their duties, ensuring they are always in a familiar professional mindset. Through solving cases and participating in exercises, the attendees hone their skills in firearms detection in accordance with EU regulations.

Learning format

✅ in-person/online

Target group

✅ Members of a national border or coast guard organisation or other law-enforcement organisation with first-line border checks and border surveillance responsibilities on state/EU external borders.


✅ To create opportunities for border and coast guards to learn specific terminology related to first line border checks and border surveillance tasks.

✅ To teach the participants to use specific terminology in relevant conversations.

Learning strategy

The enrolment period starts 4 weeks before the beginning of the course. The course will be open for attendance for a period of 8 weeks, counting from the last day of the enrolment month. If the course has not been completed within the designated attendance period, it will become unavailable and the learner will have to enrol again for the next one.

Learning format

✅ online through Moodle

Target group

✅ Members of a national border or coast guard organisation or other law-enforcement organisation with responsibilities on state/EU external borders.


✅ To teach the participants to use specific terminology related to pre-return activities.

✅ To increase the participants’ interest and motivation in expanding their active English vocabulary.

Learning strategy

This online course helps border and coast guards develop their English communication skills necessary to interact with foreign stakeholders during pre-return activities. It teaches the learners specific English terminology that they will use in pre-return tasks. The course corresponds to B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL) and is in accordance with Sectoral Qualifications Framework (SQF) for Border Guarding at level 5.

The two skills that the training focuses on are reading and listening. In addition to the materials received, the participants also get a glossary with definitions of specific words and phrases and a list of acronyms and abbreviations.

The course consists of 3 sessions. Each session is built around the relevant topics, using border specific situations and vocabulary characteristic in a given setting. The participants consolidate their knowledge by doing comprehension and vocabulary exercises throughout and at the end of each topic.

All the exercises and vocabulary tests must be completed to finish the course and the participants receive feedback with information about the areas that need improvement. The attendees may repeat the exercises as more than once as the number of attempts is not restricted. 

The learning methodology is based on the individual learners’ access to the online course and their independent learning. It allows for flexibility as the participants can take it in their spare time at home or during breaks at work.

Learning format

✅ online

Target group 

✅ Members of a national border or coast guard organisation or other law-enforcement organisation with responsibilities on state/EU external borders.


✅ To teach the participants to use specific terminology related to pre-return activities.

✅ To increase the participants’ interest and motivation in expanding their active English vocabulary.

Learning strategy 

This online course helps border and coast guards develop their English communication skills necessary to interact with foreign stakeholders during pre-return activities. The course corresponds to B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL) and is in accordance with Sectoral Qualifications Framework (SQF) for Border Guarding at level 5.

The two skills that the training focuses on are reading and listening. In addition to the materials received, the participants also get a glossary with definitions of specific words and phrases and a list of acronyms and abbreviations.

The course consists of 5 sessions. Each session is built around the relevant topics, using border specific situations and vocabulary characteristic in a given setting. The participants consolidate their knowledge by doing comprehension and vocabulary exercises throughout and at the end of each topic.

All the exercises and vocabulary tests must be completed to finish the course and the participants receive feedback with information about the areas that need improvement. The attendees may repeat the exercises as more than once as the number of attempts is not restricted. They also have access to course trainers on a forum where they may ask language-related questions.

The learning methodology is based on the individual learners’ access to the online course and their independent learning. It allows for flexibility as the participants can take it in their spare time at home or during breaks at work.

Learning format

✅ online

Target group 

✅ Members of a national border or coast guard organisation or other law-enforcement organisation with responsibilities on state/EU external borders.


✅ To teach the participants to learn and use specific terminology related to second-line border checks, border surveillance and cross-border crime.

✅ To increase the participants’ interest and motivation in expanding their active English vocabulary.

Learning strategy

The course consists of 9 sessions. Each session is built around the relevant topics, using border specific situations and vocabulary characteristic in a given setting. The participants consolidate their knowledge by doing comprehension and vocabulary exercises throughout and at the end of each topic.

All the exercises and vocabulary tests must be completed to finish the course and the participants receive feedback with information about the areas that need improvement. The attendees may repeat the exercises as more than once as the number of attempts is not restricted. They also have access to course trainers on a forum where they may ask language-related questions.

The learning methodology is based on the individual learners’ access to the online course and their independent learning. It allows for flexibility as the participants can take it in their spare time at home or during breaks at work.

Learning format

✅ online

Target group 

✅ Course mangers delivering Frontex courses within the European Border and Coast Guard Academy framework, including the Training Quality Assurance System.


✅ To guide the participants through developing a standardised course iteration by setting up learning and assessment activities and resources in Moodle according to the Standard Operating Procedures and Training Quality Assurance System established by the European Border and Coast Guard Academy.

Learning strategy 

The course consists of 9 sessions. Each session consists of the relevant topics and practical exercises related to the learning outcome. During independent learning hours, the participant can read the provided materials, watch tutorial recordings, and do practical exercises. 

The last session combines all the previous sessions. At this stage, the learner has to create and set up on his/her own some activities related to learning and assessment in the standardised Moodle course.

Each session (except the first one) includes online contact learning hours. Contact learning takes the form of a seminar and gives the participants an opportunity to discuss problems they encountered while working on their own. They may ask questions about the training materials, address issues related to practical exercises, and receive the trainers’ feedback on the completed tasks. Questions may be asked and answered on a dedicated discussion board.

The learning strategy takes into account different competence levels of the participants. The order of and time spend on individual sessions is irrelevant; however, completion of the last exercise (last session) is mandatory.

The course is available online in the Frontex learning management system. The course is open for enrolment for a period of 1 week, starting from the first day, and open for attendance for a period of 6 weeks from the last day of enrolment. If the course has not been completed within this period, it will become unavailable and the learner will have to enrol again for the next one.

Learning format

✅ online

Development of effective training methodologies

Target group

✅ Border and coast guards, and staff in EU and state agencies who are, or will be, involved in the design of training courses for Frontex or state agencies.


✅ To assure the operational relevance, standards, and quality of training courses in border and coast guarding. 

✅ To develop skills in design and review of courses that are aligned with the Frontex Sectoral Qualifications Framework (SQF) and European principles of course design.

Learning strategy

The course is offered in blended format, i.e. it combines online scheduled and self-paced activities with workplace-based activities.

Learning format

✅ in-person/online through Moodle

Target group

✅ Border and coast guards, and staff in EU and state agencies who are subject matter experts and need to develop their skills in training design and delivery according to Frontex standards.

✅ Border and coast guards, and staff in EU and state agencies who are skilled trainers and course designers at the national level but need to learn the regulations, policies and procedures associated with the delivery of Frontex training in a multicultural environment.


✅ To prepare subject matter and operational experts to plan and deliver Frontex training and assessments in both contact and online modes in line with Frontex professional and Quality Assurance standards.

Learning strategy

The course uses a blended learning approach. Modules 1 and 2 are delivered fully online, to meet the learning outcomes and develop the ability to use online learning methods. Module 3, focused on contact delivery, is normally provided in a blended mode combining online ILP and a CLP.

Learning format

✅ in-person/online through Moodle

Target group

✅ Operational experts/trainers/subject matter experts who will be trainers in the Category I Training Programme and Frontex specialised training programmes.


To equip the operational experts who will deliver Category I Training Programme, as well as Frontex specialised training programmes, with the necessary skills in training delivery methodology.

Learning strategy

The course comprises three phases; independent learning phase (ILP), contact learning phase (CLP), experiential learning phase ELP).

ILP contains relevant readings for the learners to familiarise themselves with Frontex as a whole and with the procedures of the European Border and Coast Guard training programmes.

CLP combines presentations on key topics and techniques with active sessions when learners practise and discuss various training delivery skills.

ELP requires the learners to reflect on their own training abilities with the aim of developing actions for their continuous future development.

Learning format
