
ABC Conference and Exhibition - Invitation for Industry


Frontex and the European Commission (DG HOME and DG ENTR) have the pleasure to invite industry representatives to showcase innovative technologies in the area of Automated Border Control (ABC) during the 2nd Global Conference on future developments of ABC in Warsaw, on 10-11 October 2013.

As the follow-up to last year’s successful event, the objective of the 2nd Global ABC Conference is to continue providing a platform for international dialogue and exchange of experiences and practices on ABC issues among all relevant stakeholders, and to foster a discussion on a comprehensive way forward.

The Conference will focus, among other topics, on:

  • Operational challenges and solutions;
  • Risk management and vulnerabilities;
  • Role of policy, harmonization and standardization in achieving interoperability;
  • Decision-making and business models;
  • Research, development  and innovations;
  • Societal aspects;
  • Future of border checks in view of ABC-related developments and other facilitation solutions.

The Conference targets government officials from national border management and immigration authorities, Ministries of Interior, and other law enforcement agencies responsible for border security, as well as policy makers, international organizations, standardisation bodies, airport authorities, academia, and private companies offering technologies and products related to ABC.

An industry exhibition is planned as a side event to the Conference. The aim is to provide border management authorities and other participants with up-to-date information and a hands-on experience on the latest innovations available in the market or under development, address key questions and needs and provide an informal networking environment for all stakeholders present.

Participation is open to relevant industry players in the field of ABC, both engaged as system integrators and as middleware suppliers.

How to showcase

Should you wish to exhibit during the Conference, please respond to this invitation by registering by Monday, 1 September 2013. You are kindly invited to include a description of the products/ innovations you would like to showcase, as well as an estimation of the space required.

Due to the limited space available, interested companies will be selected on a strictly first-come-first-served basis, according to their relevance in the ABC field and in a way that ensures that different biometric solutions and types of suppliers (system integrators and middleware) are adequately represented. Frontex reserves the right to deny participation to those whose product offer is considered not to be aligned with the topic of the Conference.

You will be notified of acceptance/regrets no later than 6 September 2013.

Details on the venue as well as other logistical information will be sent only to participants who have successfully registered. No fees will be charged for registration and exhibiting space. Exhibitors will be asked to cover the costs of travel, their own accommodation and additional costs incurred in exhibit activities.

Call for Extended Abstracts

This year the Conference will also include an academic session, thus we invite academic researchers and technology providers as well as consultants to submit extended abstract of original work on research and innovations in the field of ABC. A paper can be presented orally or as a poster to be displayed within the Conference exhibition. 

If you are interested in this modality of participation, please consult the following information.

ABC Conference and Exhibition 2012: