In the area of research and innovation, Frontex is continuously developing its capabilities related to border security technologies, providing and supporting research; promoting and delivering innovation and promoting and delivering standardisation and harmonisation of border management capabilities, including support for third countries. Research and Innovation activities follow the Capabilities Development Plan (CDP), which includes the capabilities of the Member States and of the agency itself.
Research and Innovation
Our experts in the field of research and innovation play a crucial role in:
- developing and promoting a border security research capability for the agency;
- developing and driving innovation in methodologies, processes, procedures and technical solutions for border management, testing and validating them through pilot projects, and collecting ideas by deploying Innovation Cells that capture and inspire further research;
- conducting operational assessments on the effectiveness of border control processes, systems and technical solutions, thereby supporting the operational activities of the Member States and of Frontex operational units, including on the acquisition of technical equipment by the agency, EU Member States and/or third countries, in close cooperation with the International and European Cooperation Division;
- harmonising requirements for border management capabilities, in accordance with the EBCG Regulation, by establishing benchmarks and developing best practices for border management, in line with the CDP;
- supporting the implementation and exploitation of EU-funded research and innovation relevant to border management.
For information on our recent projects, please follow this link.
For information on past research publications, please see.