
Document Challenge II: announcement to industry


The Research and Development Unit of Frontex (RDU) is organising the second edition of the Document Challenge (Document Challenge II) in the second half of September 2013, with the goal of identifying document fraud detection challenges and solutions for Border Guard officers working in the first‑line of Border Checks. This event includes technical tests of Automated Document Inspections Systems (fixed and mobile), a simulation exercise and a workshop.

The tests will be carried out by technical experts with the support of representatives from the industry and will follow a test protocol drafted by the IDCHECK2013 Expert Group for False Documents. The main objectives of this activity are to assess the performance of existing automated document inspection systems under different configurations, understand their strengths and discuss possible areas for improvement based on the obtained results and needs of end users.

The exercise will simulate first-line checks of travel documents. During the exercise, first-line officers, with the support of Document Readers, will be asked to check a number of travel documents and detect the fraudulent ones (both genuine and fraudulent travel documents will be used). The main goal of the activity is to collect first-hand information regarding usability aspects for first‑line officers and data related to other factors such as speed, level of automation, accuracy, etc.

At the workshop the industry will have the opportunity to demonstrate their readers (fixed and mobile) to the border control end users.

The participants in the Document Challenge II will be first-line and second-line officers and travel document experts from Border Guard authorities from the EU Member States and Schengen Associated Countries.

In June, Frontex RDU will publish online an invitation to the industry to participate in the Document Challenge II. Information about the venue, dates and how to apply will be provided in the invitation. If you would like to be notified by email when the invitation is published online, please register here:

Note: By “first‑line” refers to the work of those officers responsible for checking all travellers passing through a Border Crossing Point. When a suspicious document is encountered during a first‑line check, this document is generally forwarded for in-depth analysis to a “second-line” officer.