Frontex, in cooperation with the Spanish Guardia Civil, is organising a workshop during which interested commercial companies will be given the opportunity to present the latest advances in tethered aerostats for sea and land border surveillance to border control experts from the EU Member States. The trial will take place in Spain during week 42/43 (October 2014). The exact date and location of the event will be communicated at a later stage.
The main objective of this event is to facilitate a dialogue between industry, Member States and Frontex on current developments in maritime and land border surveillance, as well as on future developments in the area of the above-mentioned technologies. Potential users and industry representatives will have an occasion to exchange their views, experiences and needs. The practical part of the event will give companies producing tethered aerostats for surveillance a chance to demonstrate their systems’ capabilities in real operational scenarios.
The technical systems used in the surveillance of EU external borders include different types of sensors, specific communication systems and software. Balloons/aerostats can play an important role in further enhancing border surveillance by filling gaps that are not covered by other border surveillance technologies or where they may represent a more cost effective or permanent border surveillance technology that can be applied in different environments.
Please note that participants will be selected on a first-come-first-served basis, but in a way that ensures representation by a representative sample of providers, given the scope identified above.
In order to participate in the event under the above-mentioned terms, please express your interest and send the description of your system at the latest by 29 August 2014 to,, and
By 3 September 2014 you will be informed by email on the outcome of the selection procedure. More details on practicalities will be made available only to selected participants.
Attendance is free of charge, however participants will be asked to cover the cost of shipment/installation and any other expenses incurred. Should you require further information please contact:
Gregorio Ameyugo Catalan tel +48 22 205 968 or
Jesus Borjas Astorga +34 91 514 60 00 ext. 46259
Invitation to industry - Aerial Border Surveillance Trial, Spain 2014