Consultative Forum
Save the Children
Save the Children is the world’s largest independent child rights organisation. We are working to reach the most deprived and marginalised children by developing evidence-based solutions, advocating for better policies and practices to protect children’s rights and building partnerships with children, civil society organisations, communities, governments and the private sector to share knowledge, influence others and build capacity to ensure children’s rights are met.
Save the Children’s EU Office’s mission is to advocate for children’s rights with the EU Institutions and Member States. We want to ensure that the EU maximises its positive impact on children across the globe and protects children’s rights in all its action. Save the Children’s strong presence in Brussels and in many of the Member States allows us to influence the EU at the centres of policy and decision making across Europe.
The EU Office focuses on the EU’s internal and external affairs to achieve positive change in our priority areas, which include child survival and health, child protection in emergencies, migration and child rights governance. Our advocacy draws on the extensive expertise of Save the Children national organisations and programmes. We also work together closely with other organisations, including United Nations bodies and NGOs.