On 6 October, the nine European Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) agencies met to discuss and exchange ideas about creating an environmentally friendly workplace. The seminar was organised by Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, as part of its Presidency of the JHA Agencies Network.
During the online seminar, participants discussed innovative approaches to the premises and procedures in the EU institutions and agencies as well as challenges related to the implementation of green solutions.
European Commission’s Directorate-General for Environment, European Environment Agency and Frontex representatives shared their experience on the implementation of EU green policies into the planning and work programmes of the agencies. European Commission’s Directorate-General Climate Action explained how the European Commission prepares for achieving corporate climate-neutrality by 2030. In the second part of the seminar, presentations by Frontex and European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction focused on how to make workplaces more efficient and greener. Fundamental Rights Agency specifically addressed the role of digitalisation in these processes. The last part of the meeting provided a platform to exchange views on good practices and grass root initiatives, where Deloitte presented an example of sustainable solutions in construction.
This year, the JHA Agencies’ Network focuses on two overarching topics – the EU Green Deal and Digitalisation – as well as a number of sub-topics, which all reflect the strategic priorities of the European Commission.
Under the Frontex Presidency, the JHA agencies are looking at ways to contribute to and support the implementation of the EU Green Deal. Our aim is to further integrate sustainability in our operational, analytical, scientific and administrative activities, and we hope that these joint efforts will contribute towards tackling our common environmental challenges.
The JHA Agencies’ Network has an important role to play in Europe. It connects the EU Agencies protecting the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice: CEPOL, EASO, EIGE, EMCDDA, eu-LISA, Eurojust, Europol, FRA and Frontex.