This week, the Executive Director of Frontex, Hans Leijtens, is visiting Rabat with an aim to strengthen dialogue and cooperation with the country’s border management authorities.
The visit is taking place in the framework of the Frontex-Morocco Comité Mixte, co-chaired together with Mr Khalid Zerouali, Wali, Director of Migration and Border Surveillance at the Ministry of Interior of Morocco. The objective of the Comité Mixte – an annual gathering – is to agree on a roadmap for joint activities, which in 2024 both Sides intend to focus on cooperation on risk analysis, exchanges of knowledge and good practices in the areas of return and reintegration, cross-border crime, and coast guard functions, as well as the shared efforts to protect the most vulnerable at the borders.
“Morocco stands out as a crucial partner in Africa. Therefore, there is no coincidence that the trip to Rabat is my very first mission outside of Europe since taking on the role - reinforcing this partnership is not just a goal; it is a priority in our agenda for international cooperation," said Frontex Executive Director Hans Leijtens.
Cooperation with non-EU countries is an integral part of the Frontex mandate to ensure the effective implementation of the European integrated border management (IBM) and one of the strategic priorities for the agency’s work. Frontex is committed to developing a tight-knit border management community based on dialogue, exchange of best practices, and trust.