Today, the Frontex Consultative Forum on Fundamental Rights published its tenth annual report for 2022. The report outlines the main observations and recommendations that the Forum raised throughout the year with Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, and its Management Board to strengthen fundamental rights protection in Frontex activities.
In 2022, the interim Frontex management made considerable efforts to re-establish trust with the Frontex Consultative Forum on Fundamental Rights and to increase transparency.
The Consultative Forum advised the agency on fundamental rights compliance in its aerial surveillance activities issuing a specific recommendation that was extensively discussed within the agency’s Management Board. In relation to the potential suspension and termination of operations, the Consultative Forum advised the agency to conduct a thorough review of fundamental rights in concerned countries and adopt strong mitigating measures to address shortcomings.
The fundamental rights monitoring mechanism functioned effectively and resulted in various findings and corresponding proposals for mitigating measures in 2022.
A gap remains in relation to the follow up by Frontex on the Consultative Forum’s and the Fundamental Rights Officer’s recommendations, which the agency has agreed to address.
On 31 May, Frontex launched a call for expression of interest from civil society organisations to become members of the Frontex Consultative Forum.
The full report is available here.
About the Consultative Forum
Created in 2012, the Consultative Forum brings together key European institutions, international and civil society organisations to advise the European Border and Coast Guard Agency in fundamental rights matters.
The Frontex Consultative Forum on Fundamental Rights is composed of representatives from Churches’ Commission for Migrants in Europe; Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe; Council of Europe; European Asylum Agency; European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights; International Organization for Migration; Jesuit Refugee Service Europe; Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights; OSCE-Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights; Red Cross EU Office; Save the Children; and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.
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