Today, 60 additional standing corps officers have arrived in Lithuania to support the country with migration management due to increased pressure at its border with Belarus.
Earlier this month, Lithuanian authorities asked Frontex for additional support and the launch of a rapid border intervention.
In total, the agency is currently deploying 100 officers, 30 patrol cars and two helicopters in Lithuania. Experts from the Frontex European Centre for Return will also visit Vilnius next week to share information about types of return operations coordinated by the agency and discuss potential Frontex support.
The standing corps officers will work alongside their Lithuanian colleagues and help them with border checks, border surveillance, as well as the registration, identification and screening of the irregular migrants crossing the border.
After joining an operational briefing to get familiar with the current situation and the operational area, the officers will travel to selected border crossing points and start their activities the following day.
Since the beginning of the year, Lithuanian authorities registered more than 3200 illegal entries from Belarus. More than half of the detected migrants came from Iraq, followed by nationals from Congo (Brazzaville) and Cameroon.