Europe-wide operation identifies 1 583 workers affected by labour exploitation, including 353 possible human trafficking victims.
Between 13 and 21 September 2023, Frontex took part in Europe-wide coordinated action days against human trafficking for the purpose of labour exploitation in the agricultural sector. The operation was led by France and supported by Europol and the European Labour Authority. It involved a wide range of law enforcement authorities, including police, immigration and border guards, labour inspectorates and tax authorities from 17 countries. 6 847 officers from national authorities took part in operational activities on the ground.
The action week resulted in:
- 38 arrests
- 43 suspected traffickers identified
- 20 new criminal investigations initiated
- 1 583
workers subjected to exploitation and labour violations identified
(including 353 identified as possible victims of trafficking of human
- 687 employers committing labour violations identified
- 156 new inspections by labour authorities initiated
- 29 forged documents identified
- 27 653 persons checked
- 3 148 locations checked
- 17 231 documents checked
- 3 204 vehicles checked