Bearing in mind the needs to minimise risk associated with privacy and data protection, Frontex and EU Innovation Hub counterparts decided to initiate a research study on key enabling technologies and privacy enhancement for the Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) domain. The research supported by Deloitte resulted in two reports which serve the Justice and Homme Affairs community:
• as an overview of current and future privacy enhancement technologies designed to support privacy and data protection with relevance to processes, information systems and practices pertaining to the JHA domains;
• to better understand specific technologies that could support privacy and data protection: multi-party computation, homomorphic encryption and distributed ledger technologies;
• to understand the fundamental rights implications while using autonomous platforms and edge computing as well as to find out about solutions to enhance privacy and data protection in these cases.
The EU Innovation Hub for Internal Security is a collaborative network of innovation entities that work to provide the latest innovation updates and effective solutions to support the work of internal security actors in the EU and its Member States, including justice, border security, immigration, asylum and law enforcement practitioners. It is composed of representatives from EU agencies and bodies (including Frontex), as well as EU Member States, and serves as a joint platform for:
• delivering common innovative technological solutions,
• strategic foresight on technology,
• consulting on ongoing and future innovation projects,
• identifying research and innovation initiatives in technology,
• identifying potential overlaps, increasing synergies and pooling of resources,
• policy advice for EU stakeholders and decision-makers.