Unobtrusive Technologies for Secure and Seamless Border Crossing for Travel Facilitation
GRANT NUMBER: 101073910
DURATION: 1 January 2023 – 31 December 2025
FOCUS AREA: border checks, identity verification, seamless border crossing
ODYSSEUS will enable citizens to seamlessly cross the border without stopping, while reducing the workload and improving productivity for Border Guard Authorities by providing highly detailed risk analysis.
The project will leverage the power of digital technology offering to citizens the appropriate tools to cross land and sea borders in a secure and seamless manner without stopping while equipping the border authorities with novel tools for secure identity verification and unobtrusive vehicle/luggage/cargo checks, eliminating long delays at border areas.
Foreseeable Outcomes:
- solutions for citizens to cross borders leveraging their smartphones combined with strong and continuous identity verification
- modern solutions for border guard authorities to perform remote vehicle/luggage scanning through X-Rays and UAVs