Frontex is planning to set up a document forgery desk and for this reason wishes to explore different multi-touch screens for document image group analysis available on the market. Other Frontex departments may be also interested in such technical equipment for other purposes.
Frontex would therefore like to invite representatives of leading Producers/Vendors of such equipment to a one day meeting, in order to: allow industry to better understand Frontex’ needs in this area; help Frontex to explore and understand this specific technology.
To express your interest in attending this industry day
please register by e-mailing at
Please include in your registration e-mail a short description
(attachments are also accepted) of the
equipment your company produces/commercialises
and whether you intend bringing it to provide a short practical demonstration
of its functions.
Attendance capacity is limited, invitations will be sent on a strictly first come, first served basis taking into account the relevance of the proposed equipment for the theme of the meeting.
The closing date for the registrations is 14 September at 24:00, Warsaw local time.
The meeting will take place on 24 October 2018, from 09:00 to 17:00, at Frontex HQ located in Plac Europejski 6, 00-844 Warsaw, Poland.
For any further information required at this stage, please address your questions to Dragos Voicu at