Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, will hold its next Industry Days on 8-9 December 2022 online.
The Frontex I-Days offer the opportunity for industry representatives to share their latest technological developments and innovative state-of-the-art solutions for border management with the European Border and Coast Guard experts community from Frontex and Member States’ border authorities. The goal of the event is to create a forum to freely discuss these innovations among all participants.
The online meetings will feature 16 industry presentations and live discussions, plus an online showcase platform. The first day of the event will be dedicated to general innovative solutions for border management. The second day will focus on SAR (search and rescue actions) and mission support in the maritime domain, as well as HAPS (high altitude platform station/high-altitude pseudo-satellites) for situational awareness and communications capabilities.
If your organisation is interested in highlighting its technological innovation at the Frontex I-Days, please follow this link to register no later than 25 November 2022 and provide a description of the technological innovation you wish to present. If you have already submitted your application via the online form after 2 March 2022, it will be considered, and you do not need to repeat your application.
Each representative will be offered a 40-minute timeslot to deliver a presentation, including Q&A and open discussions.
Please note that timeslots are limited to 16 during both days of the meetings, and your submissions will undergo an internal assessment process based on the current needs and priorities of the EBCG community. All relevant submissions will be made available on a dedicated online platform accessible to all the attendees. This online showcase platform will be open and accessible for access to all registered users until 10 February 2023.
Frontex assists the EU Member States in supporting the development of modern technologies for the border and coast guard community. As part of its mandate, Frontex regularly meets with industry, researchers, and experts from the Member States to provide a platform for discussion and help develop new technologies and innovations related to border control. These so-called Industry Days allow for a transparent procedure of consultations with industry representatives. Frontex regularly informs about such meetings on its website.
The agency has developed a Transparency Register to ensure that there is transparency as regards contacts with the industry. All meetings and contacts of the Executive Director, Deputy Executive Directors and Heads of Divisions in matters concerning procurement procedures and tenders for services, equipment or outsourced projects and studies are registered in this tool.