As part of its research and innovation activities, Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, examines the availability and readiness of technology to support the concept of integrated border management. The aim of this analysis is to identify technical solutions that could address operational needs, to establish their readiness to be integrated and tested in a real operational scenario, and to make recommendations for the eventual introduction of these solutions in operations.
In this regard Frontex is organising an Industry meeting on border control devices and systems on 10-11 October 2018, in Warsaw, Poland. Industry representatives are invited to present their solutions, for the following types of border control devices and systems:
Enrolment devices, including mobile & handheld:
- Document readers
- Fingerprint readers
- Facial image cameras
Automated border control systems:
- Self-service system (kiosk)
- E-gate
The objective of this meeting is to present to the audience, composed of Member States and Frontex experts, the latest technology available or being developed by industry in the mentioned areas. The information presented in the meeting may be the starting point for future procurement of equipment by the EU border guard authorities, in the context of the upcoming Entry/Exit system implementation: REGULATION (EU) 2017/2226 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 November 2017.
To express your intention to participate, please register by 24 September 2018, 10:00 a.m, Warsaw local time on the following link:
Attendance capacity is limited therefore invitations will be determined on a first come first served basis, combined with the relevance of the product portfolio described. Industry representatives must cover by themselves the costs related to their participation (transportation, accommodation, meals, etc).
More information regarding the logistics will be sent to the selected participants.