The recently revised Frontex mandate foresees the establishment of a standing corps that will be at the core of the operational response activities of the Agency. As a matter of priority, Frontex has to ensure that members of the standing corps are properly equipped and trained to be effectively deployed and operate in a unitary manner in the operational areas.
Frontex border guards will wear uniforms, carry a service weapon (handgun) and will have executive powers. This means that the officers will be required to perform tasks such as patrolling between border crossing points.
Frontex will host a 2-day Industry Dialogue in order to gain better knowledge of the handguns and ammunition market, listen to prospective bidders’ concerns, and if relevant take them into consideration in order to improve the procurement documentation.
During these two days, three separate dialogue sessions will be conducted:
- 9 Dec - Handguns;
- 10 Dec (morning) – ammunition;
- 10 Dec (afternoon) – holsters.
During each of the above dialogue sessions, prospective bidders will be first presented with background information, general specifications and logistical / procedural requirements. All the information shared during the event will be made available in the Frontex website to ensure transparency and equal treatment of all possible bidders. Frontex presentations will be followed by discussions on recommendations, best practices and concerns from industry representatives.
Application to the Industry Dialogue
Accordingly, the Frontex Research and Innovation Unit is inviting industry (both producers and distributors) to send their applications for this specific event to
In your application, please clearly indicate in which of the three dialogue sessions your entity would be interested to participate: handguns, ammunition and holsters. Entities can indicate interest in more than one dialogue session.
And include a short description of:
- the
experience of your company in the delivery of handguns, ammunition and/or
- products
your company has already delivered. Of key interest are those delivered /
used by Law Enforcement authorities;
- background/experience
of the experts (up to 2) who would participate in this dialogue session.
We kindly ask you to express your interest as soon as possible so we can expedite the assessment of the received applications. The closing date and time for delivering the interest to participate is 29 Nov 2019 18:00 (CET). The received applications will be evaluated based on their relevance to the theme of this dialogue session. The outcome of the evaluation of the submitted applications, will be communicated to the applicants by 3 Dec 2019 with additional details about the event.
Background information
In line with recently revised Frontex mandate, while performing their tasks and exercising their powers, members of the Frontex standing corps may be allowed to carry service weapons (handguns), ammunition and equipment provided it is authorised by the host Member State and in accordance with the national law. Service handguns may only be used exceptionally and under clearly defined conditions.
Handguns, ammunition and equipment may be used in legitimate self-defence and in legitimate defence of members of the teams or of other persons in accordance with the national law of the host Member State.
Strong safeguards apply for all members of the standing corps, with seconded and deployed staff bound by the legislation of their home Member State and Agency staff falling under the Agency's Code of Conduct in full respect of EU law and fundamental rights.
Similar arrangements are already in place for the deployment of national border guards to another Member State. The new rules will extend these arrangements to all members of the standing corps including Agency staff. This extension is needed to ensure the utility of all members of the standing corps in order to be able to carry out the normal functions expected of a border guard.
The technical specifications for the upcoming procurement are being defined based on the experience of EU experts, EU and international trends and experience, and to be in line with the below high level requirements:
• Reliability;
• Accuracy;
• Safety;
• 24/7, all weather operation;
• Functionality;
• Long service time (lifetime);
At the time of the publication of the tender (tentatively January 2020) all necessary documentation will be available electronically via the TED website and
General questions related to Frontex procurement procedures shall be addressed to: