On 28 March 2023, the European Commission (DG HOME), Frontex, and Europol will jointly hold a conference on innovative technologies for strengthening the Schengen area. Considering the core role of technology in European Integrated Border Management, the organisers would like to invite representatives of industry to present and showcase innovative technologies that can be applicable to migration management and law enforcement activities in support of a fully-functioning Schengen area.
The conference will provide a platform for dialogue between policy decision-makers, senior technology project managers, and strategic industry leaders, essential actors who contribute to making the Schengen area more secure and resilient.
As part of the programme of the conference, industry representatives will be invited to discuss and showcase the latest approaches, technologies and solutions to detect persons posing a high risk for internal security or irregular migration, whether already available on the market or under development, that can be applied in full compliance with freedom of movement within the Schengen area. Selected technology providers will be invited to present and share knowledge on technology applications, in the live conference. All relevant applicants will be given the possibility to showcase on a dedicated online platform.
The organisers offer a forum to technology providers to present how technologies can address the challenges of:
- Monitoring the movement of persons through and near internal border areas to detect persons posing a high risk for internal security or irregular migration;
- detecting high-risk travellers on different modes of transport;
- Monitoring, tracking of vehicles suspected of illicit activities, including human smuggling, and detection of clandestine transportation;
- Support to secure information sharing between competent authorities;
- Communication tools and interoperability measures to enhance cooperation between Schengen states;
- In general, disrupting trans-national organised crime and terrorism specifically transiting through internal border areas.
Technological solutions shall
respect the legal limitations resulting from the Schengen Borders Code,
case-law, data protection rules and human rights provisions.
Industry representatives interested in contributing to the conference and exhibiting innovative solutions are invited to make an expression of interest by completing an online survey available here. The received proposals will be evaluated and selected based on their relevance to the theme of conference in a way that ensures that different thematic areas are adequately represented. The deadline is set to 10 March 12:00 CET.
We encourage the participation of women in the presentations of your organisation products or services.
More information about the location of the conference and logistical details will be communicated separately.
Frontex assists the EU Member States in supporting the development of modern technologies for the border and coast guard community. As part of its mandate, Frontex regularly meets with industry, researchers, and experts from the Member States to provide a platform for discussion and help develop new technologies and innovations related to border control. There Industry Days allow for a transparent procedure of consultations with industry representatives. Frontex regularly informs about such meetings on its website.
The agency has developed a Transparency Register to ensure that the contacts with the industry are as transparent and fair as possible. All meetings and contacts of the Executive Director, Deputy Executive Directors and Heads of Divisions in matters concerning procurement procedures and tenders for services, equipment or outsourced projects and studies are registered in this tool.