
Frontex Industry Day on C-UAS and red teaming services


Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, is pleased to announce an upcoming Industry Day dedicated to exploring innovative and emerging solutions in the context of counter-unmanned aerial systems (C-UAS) and adversarial red teaming services to test the effectiveness and responsiveness of C-UAS solutions. The Industry Day will be held on 12 June 2024, on Webex. Frontex is seeking to connect with commercial operators that can offer innovative, technology-agnostic solutions to neutralise UAS effectively.

Frontex is particularly interested in innovative and emerging solutions and capabilities in the following areas:

1.       Counter-UAS Solutions

  • Innovative portable and lightweight mobile approaches to neutralise small and mid-sized drones through RF jamming, GNSS jamming, spoofing, directed energy weapons, and hybrid systems designed to be used by law enforcement staff at the EU external borders;
  • Solutions that ensure precise frequency control and monitoring to avoid collateral impacts;
  • Proposals for system integration, interoperability and compatibility with existing systems or components.

2.       Red Teaming Services for C-UAS

  • Provision of adversarial testing and evaluation services for C-UAS in real-world conditions;
  • Experience in operating a diverse portfolio of threat-emulating aerial platforms;
  • Ability to simulate various threat scenarios with owned drones with a portfolio ranging from small to medium sized and from COTS to custom builds enhanced with countermeasures against drone neutralization systems;
  • Expertise in methodologies for testing the range and effectiveness of countermeasure solutions;

  • Expertise in modelling, simulation, and analysis (MS&A), EM spectrum monitoring, and threat vulnerabilities and risk assessment frameworks.

What's in it for you?

The Industry Day presents a unique opportunity for innovators to:

  • share their latest products and services developments with Frontex;
  • engage in discussions with experts from the European Border and Coast Guard community;
  • contribute to shaping the future of security technologies in neutralizing drone threats at the border.

How to participate?

We invite industry professionals to express their interest in presenting their innovative solutions and capabilities by submitting a brief overview of their proposed solutions and capabilities relevant to the outlined areas of interest. Please ensure your submission details your approach to addressing the challenges posed by drones for illegal activities. You can express your interest by filling this online form by 2 June 2024.

Industry Day: your when and where

Date: Wednesday, 12 June 2024

Where: Webex

Audience: Frontex internal units and Member States representatives

Themes: C-UAS, read teaming services

Expression of interest deadline: 2 June 2024

Report Industry Days C-UAS and red teaming services

We are happy to share the downloadable agenda, report and presentations from the Industry Days on C-UAS and red teaming services.

How many companies presented their solutions?

16 companies presented their technological solutions in a virtual meeting.

What was discussed during the meetings?

The meeting enabled a direct and comprehensive discussion on the services included in the submissions between the providers and Frontex.

Where can I find all the presentations?

All presentations can be accessed below.