Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, is pleased to announce an upcoming Industry Day dedicated to exploring innovative and emerging solutions in the context of counter-unmanned aerial systems (C-UAS) and adversarial red teaming services to test the effectiveness and responsiveness of C-UAS solutions. The Industry Day will be held on 12 June 2024, on Webex. Frontex is seeking to connect with commercial operators that can offer innovative, technology-agnostic solutions to neutralise UAS effectively.
Frontex is particularly interested in innovative and emerging solutions and capabilities in the following areas:
1. Counter-UAS Solutions
- Innovative portable and lightweight mobile approaches to neutralise small and mid-sized drones through RF jamming, GNSS jamming, spoofing, directed energy weapons, and hybrid systems designed to be used by law enforcement staff at the EU external borders;
- Solutions that ensure precise frequency control and monitoring to avoid collateral impacts;
- Proposals for system integration, interoperability and compatibility with existing systems or components.
2. Red Teaming Services for C-UAS
- Provision of adversarial testing and evaluation services for C-UAS in real-world conditions;
- Experience in operating a diverse portfolio of threat-emulating aerial platforms;
- Ability to simulate various threat scenarios with owned drones with a portfolio ranging from small to medium sized and from COTS to custom builds enhanced with countermeasures against drone neutralization systems;
- Expertise in methodologies for testing the range and effectiveness of countermeasure solutions;
- Expertise in modelling, simulation, and analysis (MS&A), EM spectrum monitoring, and threat vulnerabilities and risk assessment frameworks.