Invitation to industry/researchers to showcase innovative technology in the area of border control (checks and surveillance) and to attend the European Day for Border Guards in Warsaw on 23-24 May 2012
On 24 May Frontex will hold the annual European Day for Border Guards (ED4BG) in Warsaw. Inaugurated in 2010 to mark Frontex’s fifth anniversary, ED4BG presents Europe’s border-guard community with an opportunity to share experiences and best practice, as well as providing a forum for topical discussion, exchange of views between key border-management players, and a platform to bring together the worlds of public service and private industry (
This year’s event will feature an opening reception on the day before, a main conference, and a series of debates and side events on the theme of “Smarter Borders”. The aim of the technology exhibition is to provide border guards with hands-on demonstrations of innovative solutions to the challenges they encounter in the performance of their daily activities.
Frontex therefore invites relevant industry and researchers to showcase their innovative products/prototypes in the following areas and as an answer to specific challenges:
A) Detection, identification and authentication
CHALLENGE: verification of identity (against documents and/or databases)
- document verification (especially mobile/portable document readers)
- biometric acquisition, verification, and identification (especially face and fingerprints; stationary and mobile)
- deception detection
- accent/dialect identification
- behavioural analysis and risk assessment
- decision support
B) Detection and surveillance
CHALLENGE: detection of intruders (surveillance)
- land small area intruder detection
- maritime threat recognition, in wide areas (EEZ and beyond) and locally (ports and harbours), concerning both large and small (fast) boats
- detection of humans hidden in vehicles/containers
C) Communication
CHALLENGE: solutions to ensure end-to-end communication availability
- interconnection of secure communication networks of border guard authorities from different countries (e.g. for joint operations)
- efficient transfer of high volume of data, including video and images, from mobile (manned or unmanned) platforms to end users, and vice versa from operations centres to field assets
- ergonomic and user-friendly wireless mobile communication tools
D) Information sharing and interoperability
CHALLENGE: linkage of legacy systems, more secure exchange of information, interoperability between mobile teams (vehicles) and stationary devices, information exchanges between centralised and distributed data bases
- platforms and systems for secure exchange of information
- techniques to facilitate the exchange of information between non-interoperable information systems
E) Information acquisition and fusion
CHALLENGE: management of an increasing volume of data, aggregation and fusion of data from different sources, real-time information acquisition
- real-time and near real-time text/data mining methods for processing vast amounts of heterogeneous data
- utilisation of new sources of information for intelligence gathering and situational awareness (blogs, micro-blogs, forums, deep web, other social media)
- techniques for data/information fusion (text, video, images, etc.) in real or close to real time
- intelligence-based risk assessment, threat classification and vulnerability assessment models
Exhibitors will be asked to give hands-on demonstration of the technology during the opening reception on the evening of 23 May and to exhibit during the conference on 24 May.
Please note that space is limited, and exhibitors will be selected on a first-come-first-served basis and in a way that ensures representation of the areas identified above. Only the most innovative hands-on solutions that can be demonstrated “live” at the event will be shortlisted. Limited seats are available to researchers who would like to only attend the event.
Attendance is free of charge, but participants will be asked to cover the cost of shipment/installation and their own accommodation. Meals during the event will be provided.
In order to exhibit or attend, please express your interest by 20 February by completing the following form at this
You will be notified of acceptance/regrets by 29 February.
Details as well as other logistical information will be sent only to participants who have been selected based on the requirements and application information outlined above.
For more information, please contact