Call for expression of interest from industry/researchers to showcase innovative technology in the area of passenger screening and interviewing at a Workshop on Improving Decisions at Border Checks with Next-Generation Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Sensor Technology, Warsaw, 20-22 September 2011
On 20-22 September Frontex will hold a workshop on innovative methods and technology for detection of suspicious behavior during passengers’ screening and interviewing in the first line of border control. The aim of the technology showcase is to stimulate border guards to think about how technology may in the future help them make better-informed decisions.
Frontex therefore invites relevant industry and researchers to showcase their innovative products/prototypes in the area of:
- Deception detection
- Accent/dialect identification
- Behavioral analysis and risk assessment
- Covert/non-cooperative biometric identification (against watch-list)
- Interview support (real-time data fusion and decision on coherence/consistency of information etc.)
Exhibitors will be asked to shortly present their innovation and its usefulness for border control during the workshop. Selected registered participants to the European Security Research Conference (SRC 2011) to be held in Warsaw on 19-21 September will also be invited to visit the showcase.
Please note that this is not a commercial event. This is a research opportunity to gather feedbacks from end-users. Only the most innovative hands-on solutions that can be demonstrated “live” at the workshop will be shortlisted. In order to participate in the event, please express your interest by June, 10 to Monica Gariup at indicating:
a) the applying area of research/innovation (see above)
b) the status of research (prototype, lab tests, field tests, pre-sale final product, in use)
c) a short description of the prototype/product to be demonstrated
d) a short explanation of the added value of such prototype/product for border control.
Attendance is free of charge, but participants will be asked to cover the cost of shipment/installation and their own accommodation. Meals during the event will be provided.
Details as well as other logistical information will be sent only to participants who have been selected based on the requirements and application information outlined above.