
Advance Passenger Information and Passenger Name Record - invitation for industry


Invitation to industry to present commercial solutions in the area of Advance Passenger Information and Passenger Name Record at the 3rd Meeting of the Working Group on Advance Information Challenges in Brussels, 28 June 2012.

On 27 and 28 June 2012, Frontex will hold the 3rd Meeting of the Working Group on Advance Information Challenges in Brussels. The goal of this working group is to bridge the gaps that prevent Member States (MSs) from fully exploiting the benefits of using Advance Information (API and/or PNR) data for improved border management.

This year's event will feature during the second day (28 June 2012), industry presentations on commercial products related to the use of API and/or PNR for border management. The aim is to provide border guards with up-to-date commercial information on the latest offer, address key questions and needs, and provide an informal networking environment for providers and prospective customers.

Frontex therefore invites relevant industry organisations to present their products/services in the following areas:

A) API / PNR traveler data collection and processing

B) Using traveler data for law enforcement at the border

C) Supporting border management processes / Interoperability of border management systems

Exhibitors will be asked to introduce briefly their relevant offer of products and services during the morning of 28 June 2012. Each exhibitor will be initially allocated a very strict time allocation of 15 minutes. This may be extended only time permitting and according to the number of products to be presented and their relevance for the purposes of the event. There will be beamers and laptops for the exhibitors'use, but there will be no wireless internet connection available. Exhibitors are allowed to bring flyers and other printed material, which Frontex will distribute to the audience.

Please note that time and space are very limited, and exhibitors will be selected on a first-come-first-served basis and in a way that ensures representation of the areas identified above. Frontex reserves the right to deny participation to those whose product offer is considered to not be aligned with the above topics.

Attendance is free of charge, but participants will be asked to cover the costs of travel and their own accommodation. Meals will be provided during the event.

In order to exhibit or attend, please express your interest by 8 June 2012 by sending contact details and a description of the products to be presented to . You will be notified of acceptance/regrets not later than 11 June 2012.

Details as well as other logistical information will be sent only to participants who have been selected based on the requirements outlined above.

For more information, please contact quoting in the subject line: “AI WG”.