Frontex Industry Days: join us on 29-30 March Frontex Industry Days: join us on 29-30 March 2023-03-14 On 29-30 March, Frontex, will hold an online meeting with industry on innovative technologies relevant for border management. Read more
Innovative technologies for strengthening the Schengen area - call for industry participation Innovative technologies for strengthening the Schengen area - call for industry participation 2023-02-24 The European Commission (DG HOME), Frontex, and Europol would like to invite representatives of industry to the conference on innovative technologies for strengthening the Schengen area. Read more
Conference on innovative technologies for strengthening the Schengen area Conference on innovative technologies for strengthening the Schengen area 2023-02-22 On 28 March 2023, the European Commission (DG HOME), Frontex and Europol will jointly hold a conference on innovative technologies for strengthening the Schengen area. Read more
Invitation to Frontex Industry Day and exhibition on solutions for document security Invitation to Frontex Industry Day and exhibition on solutions for document security 2023-01-20 Every year, Frontex organises a three-day plenary meeting of its expert networks - the High-Level Round Table on Document and Identity Control (HLRT) and the Frontex Expert Group on Document Control (EXP-DOC). Read more
Frontex launches prize award contest on detection of low-flying objects Frontex launches prize award contest on detection of low-flying objects 2022-12-20 Frontex launched a prize award contest on the detection of low-flying objects (aerial platforms that operate in low-level airspace, from piloted ultralight and conventional aircraft to remotely piloted aircraft systems). Read more
Invitation to Frontex Online Industry Day: border checks and migration management equipment - interoperability solutions Invitation to Frontex Online Industry Day: border checks and migration management equipment - interoperability solutions 2022-12-15 Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, is inviting companies offering solutions in the area of border checks to enhance the interoperability among different devices and systems. Read more