Invitation to attend an industry day workshop Invitation to attend an industry day workshop 2016-04-19 Frontex open invitation to attend an industry day workshop addressing the Advance Traveller Risk Analysis capacity, and the potential for industry to provide additional capability for this purpose today or in the short term. Read more
Invitation to attend an industry day workshop Invitation to attend an industry day workshop 2016-03-25 Frontex open invitation to attend an industry day workshop addressing the advantages and challenges of using Medium Altitude Long Endurance Remote Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) deployed in maritime surveillance tasks, and the potential for industry to provide these services today (Frontex is looking to RPAS capable to deliver high endurance flights with a payload above 100 Kg.) Read more
Invitation for Industry and Academia Invitation for Industry and Academia 2016-02-05 Frontex will organise in December 2016 a workshop with European Industry and Academia which lead (or are about to start/are in the incubation phase of ideas on) research and development projects aimed at developing new products, technologies, solutions for border security and using financial sources other than EU financing (e.g. Industry’s/Academia’s own funds). Read more
Invitation for Industry and Academia Invitation for Industry and Academia 2016-02-05 The Member States Border Guard Authorities are constantly looking for efficient and effective technological solutions able to continuously improve their activity at the border. Depending on the context, either in the development phase (for a customized solution), or when “commercial of the shelf” products are needed, these technologies have to be investigated/tested/assessed by the border guards in the field, in a real operational environment. Read more
Invitation for Industry and Academia Invitation for Industry and Academia 2016-02-05 Frontex will organise in October 2016 a workshop with European Industry and Academia which developed highly innovative/cutting edge technologies for border security, and particularly equipment/systems and applications which were awarded renowned prizes in international exhibitions of inventions or scientific conferences or contests. Read more
Invitation to attend an industry day workshop Invitation to attend an industry day workshop 2015-12-21 Open invitation to attend an industry day workshop on a Frontex consultation on the potential for industry provision of ‘deployable support to external border crossing registration’. Read more